The simple answer is, yes! While every case is different, most patients report various degrees of improvement and benefits after receiving acupuncture treatment deemed
appropriate for their condition.
The best success depends on many factors such as the general health of the patient, type of illness, severity and duration of the illness, and the past management of the
condition. One of the biggest strengths of acupuncture is that we treat people individually to reach specific outcomes.
Most people would say it’s relaxing and that you don’t feel the needles at all and others may tell you something different. Acupuncture typically does not hurt, however, acupuncture can feel different to different people.
Acupuncture needles are very thin and are even described as being not much thicker than a strand of human hair! There can be a pricking sensation when the needle is inserted and may contact a small nerve, however, this is very transient and generally painless. Depending on what is being treated and the needle technique involved, you may feel a mild ache, numbness, or an “alive” sensation, normally while the acupuncturist is “manipulating” needles which involves twisting or tapping the needles for a few seconds. This is a sign that the acupuncture is doing its job to stimulate the flow of qi and circulation; and are not unpleasant.
With this said, our patients comes first and the practitioner will always ensure to respect their comfort level at all times. If you still are apprehensive about needles, Tuina massage, cupping, or moxibustion may be a good option for you.
Each treatment can range from 30-minutes to 90-minutes depending on severity, longevity, and need. The First Visit normally takes a little longer so that our practitioners can thoroughly understand the patient’s current state of health and determine the next step. The amount of treatments will be discussed with the practitioner and are often weekly or biweekly based on the case.
Although it can happen, it is not common to bleed when needles are removed. Occasionally, there may be a drop of blood due to tiny vessels just under the skin surface but is stopped quickly with light pressure and a cotton ball. Any bleeding does not come with any risks.
If you are subject to hemophilia, thin-blood, or are a heavy bleeder, please communicate this with the practitioner so that we may best serve you.
It is generally not an issue for patient’s who are on blood thinners to receive treatments. The idea of getting acupuncture to increase circulation, ease soft-tissue tension (including the blood vessels), is something that can be especially valuable for people with cardiac and/or vascular difficulties.
We treat patients on a case-by-case basis, please kindly let our practitioner know ahead of time if you are taking any prescription medications and blood thinners.
This depends on what you want to be addressed, how long it’s been present, and your general state of health. Typically, short-term (acute) problems will respond within just a few treatments, while longer-term (chronic) problems may take up to twelve or more treatments before consistent sustainable changes occur.
Likely not, but this also depends on the reason(s) of your treatments in the first place. Many people choose to continue treatments after resolving their chief complaint(s). The preventative and quality of life enhancing abilities of acupuncture enables our clients to achieve optimal well-being. This can be done on different frequencies like monthly or bi-monthly.
Usually, yes. As a rule of thumb, acupuncture is extraordinarily forgiving.
In our experience, “therapy” is usually taking medication, receiving physical therapy, massage therapy, or chiropractic therapy. In these cases, acupuncture can work well together. In fact, the benefits of acupuncture treatments are often seen clearly through the experience of other therapies, which amplify the healing potential through a synergistic effect.
Although it is true, especially when performed well, acupuncture solely for pain relief is a common misconception. The benefits can cause both structural and functional changes in our bodies.
For example, in the treatment of back pain, acupuncture needles are inserted into problematic areas and will relax the muscles. As the muscle relaxes, there will be a subtle change in the spinal vertebrae since the muscle is no longer pulling it out of alignment. As the spine moves, another area in the back may tighten up and this is treated accordingly. Thus, it is possible to unravel a ‘holding pattern’ that will have formed due to a combination of poor posture, stress, injuries, etc.
Acupuncture is very safe and non-invasive when it is performed by qualified Registered Acupuncturist. Our acupuncturists, who have thousands of hours in clinical experience, know to avoid dangerous areas on the body that can potentially put the patient’s well-being at risk and respect the patient’s comfort level and tolerance.